Below prices are estimates and can be subject to change depending on many factors including: the model of car, engine size, the severity of the repair, complexity of the repair. “Starts at” means the minimum cost for the service including parts, unless otherwise specified. For exact pricing, please inquire. Service prices quoted in red text are labor ONLY due to price fluctuation and availability of parts. If you would like an out the door price, please inquire direct to me.
General Maintenance
Semi-Synthetic Oil Change: $40, includes filter and 5 quarts of OE Approved oil. Add $6 per each additional quart.
Synthetic/Turbo Car Oil Change: $60, includes filters & 5 quarts of OE Approved oil. Add $8 per each additional quart.
Subaru Timing Belt Service w/o Water Pump Replacement: Starts at $275, includes Mitsuboshi/Subaru belt and NTN pulleys
Subaru Timing Belt Service w/ Water Pump Replacement: Starts at $360, includes Mitsuboshi/Subaru belt, Aisin water pump, NTN pulleys, and replacement coolant.
Basic Brake Service (Pad replacement only): Starts at $40 for front or rear or $70 for front and rear
Advanced Brake Service (Pad & Rotor Replacement): Starts at $60 for front or $100 for front and rear
Minor Repair Services
Diagnostic Charge: $60/hr – Min: 1 Hour
AC Compressor Replacement (excludes compressor cost) with leak test and recharge: Starts at $100
Alternator Replacement: Starts at $25
Power Steering Pump Replacement: Starts at $100
Motor Mount, Transmission Mount, or Torque Strut Mount replacement: Starts at $25
CV Shaft Repair/Replacement: Starts at $50 per shaft
Bushing and Ball Joint Replacement: Starts at $50
Major Repair Services
Steering Rack Replacement: Starts at $200, includes front wheel alignment
Power Steering Pump Rebuild/Replacement: Starts at $100
Clutch Replacement: Typical Repair Cost – $200-$500
For any service not listed, please contact me to inquire about servicing your vehicle.
Expert Repair Services
Boxer Tech Engine Reseal Service:
This service solves all leaks that pertain to the engine oil. Many shops will just seal the most common leakage areas like the valve covers and oil pan. The Boxer Tech exclusive service seals over 10 different places that oil can leak including: valve cover gaskets, valve cover bolt o-rings, oil pan, rear main seal, oil pump, oil pump seal, cam seals, oil separator plate (a very common failure point that requires you to remove either the engine or transmission), PCV covers, oil filler neck seal, etc. There are also many gaskets that prevent coolant and vacuum leaks that are replaced. This is a very popular service offering. Typical service cost is $300-600 and includes replacement of critical fluids like coolant and oil.
Boxer Tech EJ Head Gasket Service:
Guaranteed to solve your overheating issues once and for all. You engine is removed from the car and the heads removed and checked to ensure all internal mating surfaces are laser straight. Block and head machining is an extra cost. Once verification is complete, all internals are chemically treated to remove carbon deposits from the pistons, cylinder walls, and combustion chamber. This helps improve the thermal efficiency of the engine. Carbon deposits cause many engine problems on Subaru engines including burned valves, higher running temperatures, and low cylinder compression. A new and revised design MLS head gasket is used with new tension bolts. Once the heads and block are mated together, I perform both cylinder compression checks and leak down tests to ensure there are no issues with the valves and piston rings. At this time, if you opted to have a reseal service done, it will be completed before the engine is reinstalled in the car. Typical service cost without reseal service and head/block machining is about $750. Add $150 for the reseal service. Head/Block machining is done by a trusted machine shop partner that specializes in building performance engines.